

Student Conduct

This website will help you familiarize yourself with .听

The primary purpose of the Code is to ensure that appropriate Student behaviour is well understood. This includes transparency and consistency in expectations for conduct and an educational and restorative approach to remedies.

The university takes responsibility to create and promote an environment that is characterized by understanding, respect, trust openness and fairness that is free of discrimination, harassment and violence. All members of the university community, including Students, are committed to upholding it.

If you have听a concern you would like to discuss, or听any听questions about submitting a complaint,听please contact the Student Conduct Office at stucode@dal.ca.

(Note: Contacting the Student Conduct Office will help you understand the options available to you. It does not initiate a formal complaint.)

Confidentiality: Disclosures and Reports of non-academic misconduct will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible, within the limitations described in section F4 of the Code of Student Conduct. Confidentiality is limited to those within the university community who need to know information to carry out their responsibilities under this Code. In all cases, the Manager, Student Conduct will share the least amount of information possible.

Questions & Answers

Continue reading below so that you can become more informed and ensure that 马会论坛 is a safe and welcome space for all people.

Code Contents:

What is the Code of Student Conduct?

The Code of Student Conduct (the 鈥淐ode鈥) is a document that outlines the non-academic behavioural expectations for students and the process for handling infractions of the Code when they arise. The Code is complemented by other policies that can impact students, including:

What are the rights, responsibilities and expectations for students?

All students have an obligation to familiarize themselves with the Code of Student Conduct as it applies to their particular role as a student in order to ensure that they are aware of their rights, responsibilities and expectations to the university community.

These rights, responsibilities and expectations are as follows:

  1. Environment of mutual respect and dignity 
  2. Freedom of discussion 
  3. Assembly  
  4. Fair process 
  5. Reprisal 
  6. Individual responsibility and accountability
  7. Social media and online learning 
  8. Right to representation 
  9. Humane and ethical conduct towards animals
  10. Ethical conduct towards human remains

For full descriptions of these elements, please consult . 

What type of conduct is covered under the Code?

  1. Abuse of process 
  2. Alcohol, cannabis and drug use 
  3. Smoking 
  4. Contravention of policy or law 
  5. Disruption or interference 
  6. Hazing 
  7. Possession of or improper use of dangerous objects or substances 
  8. Misconduct against persons and dangerous activity: assault, harassment, discrimination 
  9. Misconduct against animals 
  10. Misconduct against human remains 
  11. Misconduct involving property 
  12. Misrepresentation, failing to provide or providing false information 
  13. Misuse of university information technology
  14. Misuse of social media 
  15. Unauthorized entry and/or presence 
  16. Aiding in the commission of an offence 
  17. Situations not specifically covered 

For full descriptions of these elements, please consult . 

Where the Code Applies:

When and where does the Code apply to me?

This Code applies to non-academic misconduct by a student or group of students that takes place: 

a) on university property;

b) off university property, including online activities, in circumstances where:

  • a student is participating in a sanctioned university activity, regardless of where that activity takes place;
  • a student represents, claims to represent or would reasonably be perceived to be representing, the University

c) in the context of an academic program, including conduct that occurs when a student is participating in:

  • any class activity, including a lecture, tutorial, lab, classroom discussion forum or the like, on or off university property or online; and,
  • any organized academic activity, such as a clinical placement, exchange, field placement, field trip, internship, research activities that occur virtually or off university property.

The university recognizes that unusual situations may arise that are not necessarily covered by the above Code, but still raise concern for the safety or well-being of students or the university community or could be reasonable exceptions under a duty to accommodate. In such cases, the Vice-Provost Student Affairs reserves the right to use procedures outlined in this Code to ensure the safety, security and equity of students and the university community as a whole.

Please review  for more information.

How does the Code intersect with academic misconduct, other policies (Residence Life, Athletics, hazing, discrimination, harassment, recording protocol, smoking, alcohol), the professional requirements in each faculty, or civil or criminal processes?

In circumstances where alleged conduct would constitute a violation of more than one policy applicable to student conduct, the Manager, Student Conduct will consult with the other relevant parties to determine the appropriate procedure(s) to be followed in consideration of the offence and content of all policies. Procedures under this Code may be undertaken before, at the same time as, or after, civil, or criminal proceedings.

The Vice-Provost Student Affairs will determine whether the case under this Code should be suspended until the resolution of such other proceedings.

Please review  for more info.

How does the Code work in the online environment? What if I鈥檓 being harassed online?

The university recognizes the importance of technology and social media within our teaching and learning environment. The online learning environment and social media, created and supported by the university, including the associated interaction platforms, is an extension to the traditional classroom and constitutes university sanctioned activities. Students are expected to conduct themselves in the same manner, following the guidelines outlined in the Code, equally within the online environment as within the traditional classroom.

If you feel you are being harassed online, please reach out to the Manager, Student Conduct at stucode@dal.ca.

Please review  for more information.

How does the Code apply to my freedom of speech?

Nothing in this Code prohibits Student participation in lawful and peaceful public assemblies and demonstrations, nor inhibits students鈥 lawful and non-violent freedom of expression.

Please review  for more information.

Reporting a Code Complaint:

How do I report a suspected violation of the Code?

Members of the university community or visitors who witness or have concerns about student non-academic misconduct are encouraged to contact the Student Conduct Office (which you can do anonymously) at stucode@dal.ca.

You can also review the to find out more. 

Please review  for more information.

What happens after I report an incident of misconduct?

The Manager, Student Conduct will work with you and the respondent to resolve the issue through educational and restorative measures. There is an Investigative Stream within the Code if the issue cannot be resolved through an educational or restorative process.

You can also review the  to find out more. 

Please review  for more information.

What can I expect from the university as a respondent?

The university鈥檚 overall approach is educational and/or restorative. Throughout any Code process, students have multiple opportunities to engage this way. The Manager, Student Conduct is an impartial third party and will address all Disclosures and Reports in a straightforward and transparent manner. They will meet with the students for conflict resolution, confidential advising and referral to campus/community support  accommodations including (as needed): safety planning, referral to another policy, campus supports, and accommodations.

The Manager, Student Conduct coordinates and communicates with all parties and provides supports throughout the Code process.

Please review  for more information.

What does Restorative Approach mean?

A Restorative Approach is a process that considers the impact on the people and their relationships at interpersonal, social and institutional levels. It aims at understanding and addressing the harms and needs of those affected and to support just relations in the future. A restorative approach brings together those who have been affected, those with responsibility for what happened, and those who can support a way forward. The restorative process generally results in plans in which those responsible agree to take actions to address harms and needs related to the misconduct and take the steps necessary to secure a just outcome for the future.

Please review  for more information.

Does the complainant have the ability to stop the process at any time?

A complainant can, at any time, choose to discontinue accommodations provided through the Disclosure or Report processes or to stop participating in the processing of the Report. Under some circumstances (section F4) the University may choose to proceed with a Report without the consent or active participation of the complainant. The complainant is not required to participate but may chose to be informed of the process.

Please review  for more information.

What if I disagree with the university鈥檚 decision and the imposed sanctions?

The respondent may appeal the SDC鈥檚 decision to the Senate Appeals Committee.

Please review  for more information.

Is agreement needed with both complainant and respondent? (non-investigative stream)

Once the Manager, Student Conduct has determined there is foundation to the Report, they engage the parties involved and restoratively review the facts to determine whether the complaint can be resolved through a remedial/restorative stream and parties consent to their participation in the non-investigative stream.

Please review  for more information.

Through the investigative stream, can the complainant see the formal response?

The investigator will send the confidential investigation report, which may be partially redacted to address any confidentiality concerns, to the complainant and to the respondent. The complainant and the Respondent will be given ten (10) calendar days to provide written comments on the investigation report.

Please review  for more information.

Can a complaint be re-evaluated if new information is provided?

If the Manager, Student Conduct determines there is no basis for the complaint to proceed, the complainant will be advised of support and resources as appropriate, and no further action with respect to the Report will be taken. If new information is subsequently provided, this decision may be re-evaluated.

Please review  for more information.

Does the complainant have any impact on the redress?

Once the Manager, Student Conduct has determined there is foundation to the Report, they engage the parties involved and restoratively review the facts to determine whether the complaint can be resolved through a remedial/restorative stream and both complainant and respondent consent to their participation in the non-investigative stream. The Manager, Student Conduct will determine appropriate remedial, educational and/or restorative outcomes. Such outcomes vary depending on the nature of the Report and input from all parties involved. If an educational and/or restorative outcome is not possible, the Vice-Provost Student Affairs will recommend disciplinary measures to the Senate Discipline Committee (SDC) for a hearing. The complainant and respondent will be advised of the decision in writing.

Please review  for more information.

Do I need a lawyer if I鈥檓 involved in a violation of the Code?

No, you are not required to retain a lawyer. A representative from  can be available to accompany you in addition to a support person of your choosing (for example: parent, friend, elder, translator, spouse).

Please review  for more information.

What types of sanctions does the university impose?

The university鈥檚 overall approach is educational and/or restorative throughout any Code process and students have multiple opportunities to engage this way. The purpose of this approach is to help a student understand why their behaviour was inappropriate, to appreciate the impact of that behaviour on others, and to effect positive change. Educational sanctions can include but is not limited to:

  • an impact letter/statement or video, 
  • facilitated discussion with the Manager, Student Conduct and the complainant
  • education or training. 

If the remedial or educational outcome is not possible, disciplinary sanctions may be imposed. These include, but are not limited to:

  • mandatory training
  • probation
  • denial of specified privileges 
  • imposition of certain conditions, restitution, suspension or expulsion

Please review  for more information.

How does the university decide which sanctions to impose?

The university鈥檚 overall approach is educational and/or restorative throughout any Code process and students have multiple opportunities to engage this way. The purpose of this approach is to help a student understand why their behaviour was inappropriate, to appreciate the impact of that behaviour on others, and to effect positive change. In considering an appropriate sanction, the university鈥檚 primary focus is to ensure the safety and security of the university, its members and visitors. The university imposes sanctions that are proportionate to the type of misconduct. Instances of misconduct are assessed on a case-by-case basis and take into account the unique circumstances surrounding the incident. Factors that can affect the severity of a sanction include whether or not the student has been involved in previous misconduct incidents, and the student鈥檚 willingness to co-operate, admit wrongdoing, and modify their behaviour.

Please review  for more information.

Who will know if I鈥檝e violated the Code of Student Conduct?

Disclosures and Reports of non-academic misconduct will be kept confidential to the greatest extent possible, within the limitations described in section F1 (p.16) of the Code of Student Conduct.

Please review  for more information.

Additional Information & Resources