

Chemistry Laboratory

The CERC.OCEAN laboratory focuses on chemical oceanography with a number of high-quality instruments. To see what instruments, techniques, and measurements we are conducting within this laboratory, please see the list below:

Current Instrumentation and Analysis

Thermo Delta V IRMS

15N on nitrates, nitrites, and ammonia

Picarro L2130-i Water Isotope Analyzer

18O and2D

Elementar MicroCube and Isoprime 100

15N and 未13C in bulk organic and inorganic solids

Apollo acidification system coupled to a听Picarro G2201-i analyzer

13C in Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC-C13)

Guildline 8410A Salinometer


Skalar SAN++ Continuous Flow Nutrient Analyzer


Dickson Total Alkalinity Titrator

Total Alkalinity in seawater & freshwater

Apollo Spectrophotometric Seawater pH Analyzer


Winkler Oxygen Titrator

Dissolved Oxygen

Agilent 7890B Gas Chromatograph - Mass Spectrometer 5977A

Halocarbon Gases concentrations

Agilent 7890B Series Gas Chromatograph - an Agilent 7697A Headspace Sampler 听

Nitrous Oxide (N2O)听in water

Shimadzu TOC-L Analyzer

Total Organic Carbon in water

Method Under Development

Picarro G5131-i听Analyzer - nitrous oxide isotopes and concentration

Laboratory Analytical Service 听

Analytical services is available on a cost-recovery basis. The following list includes our services and the corresponding prices (in Canadian dollars) for different types of customers. Please contact our lab manager Claire Normandeau (c.normandeau@dal.ca) for inquiry.


Analysis Academic Private/Government
%N, %C, 未15N and 未13C in solids
%N, %C only
Nitrous oxide (N2O) - 未15N
$33.70* $47.00*
18O and 未2D of water $18.00
Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) - 未13C $22.00
Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) $24.00 $33.40
Halocarbon Gases
(CH3I, CH2Cl, CH2I2 , CH2Br2 , CHBr3)
$17.00 $25.00
Nitrous oxide (N2O) $17.00 $25.00
Carbon dioxide (CO2) $17.00 $25.00
Methane (CH4) $17.00 $25.00
Oxygen (Winkler's titration) $17.00 $25.00
Salinity $19.00 $28.00
Total Alkalinity
$25.00 $36.00
pH $22.00 $32.00
Nutrients (NO2-, NO3-, PO43-, SiO4-, NH4+)

For 1 or 2 nutrients only



* Does not include sample preparation

Prices are per sample and in Canadian dollars.
All prices are subject to change without notice.