

2005 ‑ Volume VII

Edited by Adam Labecki, Stéphanie Simard and Stephen Russell

James Fleming ---- Will the Real Polyphemus Please Stand Up? Ovid's Use of Pastoral in the Metamorphoses

Tyler Young ---- An Inverted World: Thucydides and the Realm of Doxa

Adam Labecki ---- Movement from the Emptiness of Matter and the Love of Spirit in Augustine's Confessions

Kate Allen ---- Bardship and Kingship in Homer's Odyssey

Dorothy Eleanor Cummings ---- Sloth: A Sinful Sadness

Stephen Russell ---- The Medea and its Audience

Seamus Ryan ---- Absolute Knowing: Hegel's Revelation of Being through his Reconciliation of the Religious and the Secular

Martin Sastri ---- The Self-Relation of Love in the Philosophies of Plotinus, Augustine and Bonaventure

Ben Frenken ---- An Economy of Morals, Wealth and Power: Irony in Tacitus' Annals

Emily Parker ---- The Galileo Affair: Augustinian Apologetics vs. the Licentious Inquisition

Ross Gower ---- Aristotle's Notion of 'Epi Pleon': A Brief Commentary on the First Eight Chapters of Book Theta of Aristotle's Metaphysics

Jamie Nay ---- Tacitus' Socrates: Thrasea Paetus in the Annales

Deirdre Moore ---- The Place of the Human Soul in Plotinus' World

Amelia T. Gaul ---- The Portrayal of Hybris in Buildings of Periclean Athens

Matthew Wood ---- "Roman History in the Future Tense": An Examination of Temporal Structures in Livy and Virgil

Colin Webster ---- The Friction of the Laws: Reconciling the Crito to the Apology

James Bryson ---- The Construction of the Athenian Renown